Thursday, April 17, 2008

Review - A River Runs Through It - Mark Isham

Cover In brief: a pleasant enough, Americana-flavoured, wander through the world of fly-fishing.

A companion to: The Spitfire Grill

Recording: 31 tracks, 58 mins

Mark Isham's music to Robert Redford's tale of brothers growing up in Montana whose one shared love is fly-fishing is a gentle and occasionally hypnotic listen. With no massive amount of thematic material, it is better suited to being background music, rather than as a solid, all-consuming listen.

A four-star rating, however, is given as it is an album that can be listened the whole way through. The country-and-western tracks near the beginning of the score lend it an authentic air and you can't help but think that Isham and his orchestra must have had great fun recording it.

I wholeheartedly recommend it.

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