Thursday, April 03, 2008

Microsoft Surface

Previously labelled as too big for practical use, AT&T and Microsoft have just teamed up to re-jig and re-launch Microsoft Surface.

Simply, it is an enormous touch-screen, maybe as big as a traditional 'white board' that would be touch-sensitive, controlled by touch (where possible) and able to establish connections with devices placed on it's surface.

In terms of technology, this last feature is the exciting bit. But, how much use it will be I can't really say as wireless synchronisation and connection to mobile devices, including laptops, has been available for at least a couple of years.

I can see it being of use in schools and at point-of-sale, and maybe in museums etc.

They ought to think bigger. Remember Minority Report? If they could use it with law enforcement, and other professions where computer savvy-ness is low, then perhaps we could get a bit more excited!

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