Thursday, April 03, 2008

Grow your own Sprouts - Flash the easy way

A tool for marketing people who want to create animated Flash adverts without the hassle of learning Flash itself.

Drag-and-drop your designs, add text. This is being written as I try it out. So, I think I'll create an advert for the Pantomime I'm directing this year.

Finding the 'Get Started' button was a chore - no idea why it should take me so long. Perhaps I'm not observant. Type a few details in, away I go.

Seems fairly easy to do basic things. It works somewhat like PowerPoint in that your drag elements onto the 'page' and then edit them to get the desired effect. A lot of widgets are provided such as audio, video, images, maps from Google along with others I didn't try. Saving it seems simple although you have to register to save it (quite sensible).

The Flash pages you created are saved into Sprout and are hosted there. You don't have the ability to download them and host them yourself, but look at it as a different way of working and you may even find a benefit in it. They provide you with the <object> code necessary to embed it into your site.

In summary, Sprout is an interesting project that is already usable, but as a Beta I would expect to see more features coming online in the next few months.

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