Thursday, August 02, 2007

New Version of ColdFusion MX launched - version 8

ColdFusion MX 8 (codenamed Scorpio) has recently been released. To view details of this important release, go to the Adobe website.

This is a very big deal for CF programmers - it represents the completion of the absorption of the Macromedia brand into Adobe, as it relates to us on a professional level.


The new version includes lots of little bits and pieces as well as major features such as:

  • Explicit multi-threading using CFTHREAD
  • Image manipulation through CFIMAGE, utilising the toolkit of the Adobe Photoshop team.
  • Much better server monitoring and real-time maintenance in the CF Administrator.

I for one am very excited and I hope that this new version puts to death the recent articles about CF either not taking off, or being a dying language.

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