Monday, July 11, 2011

DRM with Coldfusion, Flex, ActionScript and AS3Crypto

Oh my! Time to learn a new language - Flex/Actionscript. Lovely.

In the hope of finding a DRM solution more under my employer's control, I'm looking at creating a Flex-based interface using a ColdFusion back-end to stream PDFs (converted to SWF) with AES-encrypted authenticated username/password credentials.
So, day 2 - now we're getting somewhere. Authentication via HTTP request and encrypted username/password. Then adding a streamed SWF file once authenticated. Works not too bad.

Tomorrow: creating a next/previous page control and a 'print this' control.

To come: login integration with websites where you are already logged in and, therefore, should have access to the content.

To come: wrapping as an Adobe Air app, then packaging for iOS.

With thanks to:
and, especially:
for the encryption/decryption settings.

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