Sunday, January 23, 2011

CPAP machines and the hose problem

When you're using a CPAP machine, one of the issues you'll face after a while is the hose they give you. The hose transports the air from the CPAP machine to your mask.

Now, for whatever reason (I think it's cause of the water build up in the hose, which they call 'Rainout') the hose is corrugated.

CPAP hose

The issue I faced is that the hose would rub against the side of the bed. You can imagine the thrrrruuupppp noise!

The other thing is that depending on where you CPAP is - height, distance... - the hose tends to pull on the mask. This leads to leaks and general discomfort.


I'd seen pictures of makeshift 'hose holders' that would suspend the hose above and behind you. The classic one is Craig's Homemade.

Not wishing to spend hours making this... contraption... I sought other solutions. I found one on ebay, which turned out to be an an online retailer called Hope2Sleep.  The URL/link is below.

I don't normally endorse things, but this does exactly what it says. It's lightweight, stores for travel and does the job. It has a loop to thread the hose through and a clip that gives you somewhere to hang your mask after sleep.

I wholeheartedly recommend it!

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